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Online learning?

We're good at that! We've been the full-service specialist in the field of e-learning for over 15 years. Want to know why?

Smooth, efficient and without worries

The ETraining Company is an internationally growing company with a  dedicated and complete focus on online learning. With an experienced team, we are ready to implement e-learning in your company smoothly, efficiently and without worries. Our e-learning solution is suitable for organizations of all sizes. Our technology is now used worldwide by both small and medium-sized companies and large multinationals.

Because it has to be applicable in practice

The ETraining Company is a specialized e-learning company. From the start we have expanded and improved the technology based on best practice examples and wishes of our customers.

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and your users

Many companies already online

Our e-learning solution is implemented by a large number of companies, including city- & regional  marketing organizations, destination marketing organisations, industry associations,  insurers, travelagencies, airports, airlines, hotels, car companies and temporary employment agencies. A completely exclusive learning website is set up for each organization. At this dedicated elearning platform companies can offer their employees, stakeholders and/or customers user-friendly modules to increase (product) knowledge, improve competencies and exchange information quickly and easily.

Shaking Hands

Leading in the travel industry

The ETraining Company works already for many years for leading companies in the international travel industry. One of the products we offer since the beginning is At this elearning platform tourism boards from all over the world upload elearning modules about their country, regions, cities and travelproducts. Since years it is not only the leading learning platform for the travel industry in the Netherlands but for example also in France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Danmark Finland, Italy, Spain, Portugal  and Hungary they use the tool to update, inform and educate travel sales agents. Throught the platform tourism boards are able to reach, communicate and interact with travelagents in an efficient and effective way.


Trainingtool for schools & educationals

We can also count a large number of schools (MBO - HBO) and training institutes among our clientèle. At the platforms which are fully integrated in the school systems, teachers are able to produce their own e-learning modules by using the user friendly Content Management System. Modules that they can then assign to specific classes. Each teacher is thus able to offer information about a specific subject in an efficient, interactive training format. They can measure the knowledge gained in the meantime by means of attractive quizzes  and test the knowledge via automated tests.

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