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Successful knowledge enhancement with Blended Learning

Blended learning is here to stay in today's landscape of education, offering an ideal balance between virtual learning and face-to-face classes. Blended learning makes use of online resources, but recognizes that it is just as important to offer human elements as an integral part of the learning program. And the users? They benefit! By combining both methods, you offer an opportunity for more flexible learning, in addition, the learning experience will be stronger and therefore more effective.

Adjust costs if necessary

An important additional advantage is that with Blended Learning there are more opportunities to adjust the costs of the training program in the interim. In any case, the key to a successful Blended Learning program lies in how the blended learning programs are balanced. In this blog, we provide 5 tips that can contribute to the successful implementation of Blended Learning.

1. Analyze your audience

It is important to first understand the characteristic features of the target audience to be trained. Pay attention to demographic characteristics as well as current experience and knowledge with digital learning methods.

2. Make use of interactive tools

If you want participants to make frequent use of digital learning as part of the learning process, it is important that they have access to a good Internet connection and, if possible, real-time interaction. This ensures fewer dropouts and resistance if participants have to master the technology in the beginning also ensures more engagement and interconnection.

3. Provide individual and group learning objectives

It is vital to set learning objectives. These can be set out in both individual and group learning objectives. Then by measuring whether the learning objectives are being met during the various components of the Blended Learning program, this will greatly enhance the effectiveness of the learning method. One can also make timely adjustments if necessary.

4. Make use of a variety of materials and media

Blended Learning makes it possible to convey information and instructions in a variety of ways. By using a variety of materials and media, participants will gain a better and deeper understanding of what they are learning. Provide varied and relevant content, combining text, images, video and audio. The online tool should include a high degree of interactivity.

5. Use the right technology tools

Software develops rapidly and changes constantly. Make sure you yourself are well informed about chosen technical tools before presenting them to learners. Learners learn in different ways and have unique needs. Take advantage of all the options the portal offers. Alternate training sessions with challenging quizzes, assignments or an interim test with automated certification. Interactivity will always lead to greater understanding.

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